
gue kangen ngepost deh uda sejuta taun ga pernah ngepost -______-
pengen ngepost apa gitu tapi rasanya mau ngetik males parah, huu sedih ya
gue kangen kepuasan pas udah ngpost wakakakak jijik
tau nih gue bosen parah, padahal internet lagi jinak dan gue ga ada kerjaan tetep aja males

jadi kesel :(
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me love ya all :)

hey blog walking :) it's been a while since i wrote something in my blog (i mean, really really something, not just a not-meaning-post like i did before:p)

it's not mean that i dont wanna post something anymore, it just because im kinda lazy to write the post, and when i decide to write something, i'll found something MORE important to do so i must cancel my plan to wrote something

okaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay, back to the topic, i've promised to tell you about my birthday, my awesome birthday, i mean :)

so, enjoy it!

dari harihari sebelomnya gue emang gamau mikiran ultah abis ntr mikirnya macemmacem tau nya beda kan sedih jadi yauda gue lupain aja, sampe pas tanggal 19Oktober pagi gue lupa beneran ye, trus si amy yang ngucapin pertama kali abis subuh gitu hehe, trus yang lain ada beberapa doang yauda jadi gue juga biasa aja kan trus udah, di sekolah belajar semuanya normal kok,

sampe abis pelajaran metik, gue mau pindah kelas, sama anakanak ditahan disuruh dikelas aja, gue feeling aja gitu, ini pada mau ngapain sih, tapi gue ngebet aja mau pindah ke kelas kimia, yauda deh akhirnya gue sama qisty dila nada amy pindah, si bella tuh gatau kemana gue kabur dia.
di kelas kimia gue mainin smartboard aja sendiri (sedih ye) yang lain pada keluaran,

qisty isma hanifah masuk pertamanya, ngajak ngobrol lalalala gitu, sampe tibatiba gue denger ada yang nyanyi,
"happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you ....."
gue shock, nahan ketawa, speechless, si bella nongol bawa pasukan uda kayak mau lamaran kata isma (rame bangeeeeet)

gue nya ga keliatan deh ni, tapi rame kaaan ? hehe

tapi bukan bagian ini yang hebohnya, guess what, dia minta Nanda, anak kelas 10, yang bawain kuenya, subhanallaaaaaaaaaaah emang gila temen gue yang ini, sama anza + ahim (yang ini gue juga ga ngerti tujuannya apa pake di bawa juga ckck, kyknya si bella yang ngfans:P)

GUE SURPRISE YAAAA yaampuuun benerbener speechless liatnya,

pas uda mau niup lilin, rusuh deh tu, garagara si nada, main lemparlemapr kue, kena kemanamana, paling parah ? gausa ditanya lah, GUE. si anza juga kena,pas gitu di antara matanya (gatau gue bagian apa itu) haha maaf ya nzaaaaaaa

ini lagi pada rusuh aja mau main lempar lemparan kue

uda deh itu uda berisik, rusuh, kacau, gue uda kayak gembel masuk gedung, parah banget deh pokoknya, tapi gue seneng, seneng banget laaaaah, kirain tementemen gue pada lupa taunya mereka uda nyiapin semuanya

especially bella:) makasi ya baby, uda repotrepot buat akyuuuuu:P

mita hanifah qisty isma nadiah dila pelor ryan adi juga makasih hehe

trus potopoto dan tetep aja rusuh, liat deh,

terakhir, poto sama mr john :)

udah acara di sekolah uda selese, ditutup sama bu dita marahmarah garagara kuenya berantakan gitu deh (lebay tapi marahnya), bodo deh.

rambut gue kena kue, kebayang joroknya ? ew, jadi nyampe asrama gue niatin mandi, sempet molor sih tapi intinya gue mandi, keramas uda sampe harum deh pokoknya wessss

kan gue pikir acara ulangtaunulangtaunannya uda selese ya, jadi yauda gue santai aja, daaaaaaaaaaaaaan

pas gue lagi main laptop asikasik, mereka pada datengin gue, nyeret gue keluar rumah,



benerbener ga abisabis ulangtaun gue, yang ngelemparin mana sadis semua, kayak gue ga ngerasa sakit aja mereka main tabok gitu, hiks -,-
gue parah banget, lebih parah lagi dari yang di sekolah, najis banget sih, trus si bella juga kena haha, dia ultah dua hari yang lalu jadi sekalian aja diceplokin juga!

semua juga tau kalo yang namanya bella liar, hasilnya ? bukan cuma diluar yang kotor, SATU ASRAMA. dan semua terpaksa mandi haha, i hate this part:( gue mau bikin pengakuan, gue mandi dan keramas ampe 6kali najissssss, dan tetep aja masih bau KOPI (AAAAH BENCI SAMA KOPI GUE EWR!) uda gue pasrah, ntar kesalon aja daripada ama tangan gue ga beresberes huuuuu

pas gue uda mandi uda santai santai di kamar nadiah, udaah gue tenang, uda selese ulangtaunnya, taunyaaaaaaaaaaaa
isma nadiah hanifah dateng lagi ke kamar sambil nyanyi "happy birthday" buat yang kesekian kalinya sambil bawa kue (lagi) dari nadiah yaampuuuuun gue terharu deh, benerbener ni ultah gue, ngerepotin banyak orang ya ? hehe
yauda deh abis itu di makanin ramerame hehehe

gue 16taun sekarang, tua ye ? huuuu
gue pengen jadi lebih baik aja lah pokoknya, bisa lebih dewasa (aminnn), trus ketrima di universitas yang bagus, jurusan kedokteran (WAAAAAAAA) AMIIIIIIN! yah pokoknya yang baikbaik laaaah hehe

bigthanks for all my besties :)) yang uda ngucapin juga, semuanya deh

lovelovelove, riza

p.s : gue mau upload potonya tapi lagi gabisa nih, ngeror, ntr nyusul ya babe :p
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my day and you

no wall --> i've blocked him (even i didnt blocked him, will he post something?)
no tweets --> i've unfollow him (but you can sent or received tweets even you're not follow someone)
no chat --> i've delete his account
no text --> i've collect my phone



dont ask me about what i feel today, im happy i swear i really happyyyyyy :))
but i cant lie, i still hope you'll come and give me a warm hug and say "happy birthday",
i know thats impossible, i know you're my past, never be my future anymore, but i still cant believe that

somebody asked, "dont you need him come?" i just can smile, they dont know, what i really need is see you, hug you, and also, MAKE YOU MINE (again and again)

i dont know what do you think, i dont know if you read this post, i just want you to know,
it's not about my pride, it's about your heart,

i can call you, i can tell you that i miss you, i love you, i want you, and i need you back, but i know that's nothing for you, you dont care about that anymore, even i do :( so that's why im not trying to reach you back, i just stand on my own two feet, trying to moveon, trying to forget you, trying to believe that you dont need me ANYMORE, trying to make my self understand that you'll with another girl, AS SOON AS YOU CAN.

this is the bad part of my birthday:( that i must realize that you really really dont care about me ANYMORE
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gue mau cerita tapi lagi buruburu nih ngepostnya ihiks, ntr gue trusin ya,
hahaha intinya aja deh abis gue gatel mau ceritaaaaaaaaa

gue sayaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang banget ye sama tementemen gue itu, especially for bella mita nadiah qisty isma hanifah dila, makasi ya sayang buat surprise nya hari ini
ahahaha gila gue seneng banget banget deh demi apa ya wkakakakaka *norak

cerita surprise nya ntr gue post lagi hahaha sabar deh yang mau baca,
i'll never forget this day hihi, this is my best birthday i guess :p

btw, makasi juga buat yang td uda bantuin, smuanya deh

gue gabisa berenti senyum kalo inget kejadian tadi :PP (L)
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not in the mood for blogging but i need to write something,
eww, give some idea please :(

anyone have ?

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corita kent

Love the moment.
Flowers grow out of dark moments.
Therefore, each moment is vital. It affects the whole.
Life is a succession of such moments and to live each, is to succeed

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kemaren gue ngelayat kerumah temen gue, ade kelas, tepatnya,
bokapnya meninggal :(

sekalian deh gue ngucapin ya,

turut berduka cita ya noura aulia syahna, moga bisa kuat, me love ya :)

gue kesana sama anakanak hs yang lain pertamanya yang ikut gue, dila, mita, nadiah, hanifah, ismah, widya, tia, isma sama dita, kita uda berangkat dari jam 4 tapi disuruh nungguin ms ratna ama ka indah sampe jam 6 loh, hebat ya mereka, dan ternyata mereka uda di tempat noura, ewr, lo jangan tanya keselnya ya, anak anak uda hampir bakar bus sebenernya tuh (lebay)
akhirnya kita berangkat abis maghrib, haha, si widya ama tia batal ikut, cape mereka, akhirnya qisthi ama bella yang ikut

di bus gue tidur deh capeeee hahaha

nyampe sana, ketemu noura, liat dia sama mamanya,
kalo lo mikir noura sedih nangisnangis mewek ga jelas, LO SALAH,
engga, noura ga nangis noura masih bisa ketawa masih bisa nemuin kita,
gue gatau pasti itu sok tegar apa emang tegar tapi gue kagum sama noura, dia bisa dewasa kayak gitu, bisa kuat, bisa tabah, gue ga ngebayang kalo itu kejadian ke gue -_____-

gue nyesek sumpah, liat mamanya noura juga, waktu cerita, kalo papanya ga ada sakit trus tibatiba pingsan, gue serem rasanya ikut ngebayangin,
gue ga lebaaaaaaaaaaaay tapi sumpah, orang terdekat lo, ORANGTUA lo meninggal, bisa lo bayangin rasanya ?

rasanya gue pengen meluk noura, nyuruh dia nangis aja gitu daripada diem tapi dalemnya, who knows ?
gatau deh rasanya, gue kesian, gue sedih, im speechless to explain what i feel,

pas uda jam 9an gitu kita akhirnya pulang, eh jalan pulangnya malah di arahin ke rumahnya si dita ama dia, parah emang tapi gapapa sih akhirnya kita makan dulu gitu di traktir papa nya dita

btw, buat noura, baikbaik ya sayang, gausa buruburu balik ke asrama temenin mama kamu dulu, harus kuat yaaaa, we miss youuuuu <3

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my birthday

what do you want as your birthday present ?

a doll ? a car ? something that you always dream everynight ?

i dont know what i really want,

i talked with dilla about that, i found something, i want my mom come and be the first who say happy birthday,

is that enough ? i dont think so .

i dont know what happen with my self, im trying to hate him, i swear i try, im trying to forget him, im TRYING to stop love him, but he still play in my mind and stay in my heart.

dont ask about the pain, too hard to explain

i need you, hey,

i miss you,

i want you, yeah, i want you as my gift,

i know, that's too much,that's impossible, i understand that, but, thats all i want,

YOU, not anyone else, but you

p.s i love you

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muhammad faiz iqbal muntazar !


P.S. i miss you baby :')
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alert !

1. Guys are more emotional than you think, if they loved you at one point,
it'll take them a lot longer than you think to let you go, and it hurts every second that they try.

2. Guys may be flirting around all day, but before they go to sleep, they always think about the girl they truly care about.

3. Guys go crazy over a girl's smile.

Guys will do anything just to get you to notice him.

Not all guys are jerks. Just because ONE is a jackass doesn't mean he represents ALL of them.

6. A guy who likes you wants to be the only guy you talk to.

7. Boyfriends need to be reassured often that they're still loved.

Guys don't care how gorgeous you are, if you're a bitch Goodbye.

9. Girls are guys' weaknesses.

10. If a guy tells you about his problems, he just needs someone to listen to him. You don't need to give advice.

11. Guys love you more than you love them.

12. Guys think WAY too much. One small thing a girl does, even if she doesn't notice it can make the guy think about it for hours,
trying to figure out what it meant.

When a guy says he is going crazy about the girl, he really is. Guys rarely say that.

14. When a guy looks at you for longer than a second, he's definitely thinking something.

15. Guys talk about girls more than girls talk about guys.

No guy can handle all his problems on his own. He's just too stubborn to admit it.

17. Even if you dump a guy months ago and he loved you he probably still does and if he had one wish it would be you to come back into his life.

i got this from nadra asjoedjir i dont know her well but sometimes i love to check her blog and found this, for nadra, thankyou:))
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liburan pas bulan juli kemaren gitu gue liburan ke surabaya <3<3<3>
gue ke malang naik pesawat gitu gaul deh sekarang malang punya bandara sendiri yah walaupun bandaranya agak mengenaskan, gabung am
a punya tentara gitu kalo gue ga salah, liat deeh

masih baru gitu deh tapi bekas apa deh gitu ga tau yang penting gue uda nyampe, selamat.
trusssss, gue pulang deh ke rumah gue disana, parah gitu gue uda 3taunan gitu ga pernah tinggal disana lagi ckck

gue ga lama sih disana cuma 3 harian gitu trus, gue sama keluarga temen bokap gue mau pergi ke villa gitu di daerah batu (yesyesyes)
kenapa gue seneng banget ? soalnya di deket itu villa ada kebun strawberry punya temen
bokap gue ini, jadi bebas aja disana mau ngambil strawberry nya hehe *girang banget sama yang gratisan

engga gitu juga sih tapi, seneng aja gue kan lumayan buat refreshing ga juga harus di mall,
perjalanannya kirakira 2jam-an gitu nyampe sana siang gitu kan ya panas b
uset tapi gue uda bawa sweater lumayan banyak abis katanya
dingin tapi kenapa panas gini yauda deh gue sabar aja. gue cape ngantuk pegel pokoknya mau tidur, jadi gue langsung masuk kamar kosong, trus gue TIDUR.
hahaha, emang dasarnya kebo jadi yauda deh gue padahal uda niat mau ke taman bunga gitu yang juga deket ama itu villa sama ade gue tapi gue ga kebangun ampe maghrib, perfect,

jadilah akhirnya gue batalin niat jalan trus gue buruburu mandi. dan ternyata,
SUBHANALLAH YA AIR NYA DINGIN BANGET !!!! dingin deh beneran mampus deh jadi gue mandi cepet cepet aja trus langsung pake sweater, jadi gue baru tau, ternyata udara disana itu dingin pas malem, kalo siang ya panas gitu. dinginnya parah loh yah namanya juga di deket gunung kali ya, oh iya dari vila gue itu gunung bromo uda sekitar 45menitan gitu loh
, yah lumayan deket kan ?
yauda deh malem itu gue sekeluarga + keluarga temen bokap bikin api unggun gitu

*betewe, pas uda malem dingin banget deh serius, ga perlu yang namanya ac deh*


gue mau metik strawberry ! mau ! mau ! mau ! hahaha
gue bangun pagi dong girang banget deh jadi akhirnya
gue mau nyoba metik strawberry hehehe, disuruh pake boots abang abang gitu gue, hiks, gue ga punya boots soalnya (harusnya gue bawa aja ya itu boots iiec?) yauda deh gue sabar aja kocak deh ya boots nya liat aja gue makenya kayak tabrak lari gitu

ini jalanan disekitar sana masih pada banyak rumput gitu

nyampe di kebun nya, STRAWBERRY SEMUAAAAAAAAAAAAAA (yaiyalah namanya juga kebun strawberry bego ya gue)
banyak banget mana merah semua gitu ew, gue ambil aja suka suka gue gitu bodo kan gratis haha

itu buahnya tuh ga keliatan ye ? padahal itu
merah banget loh

ini lagi metikin strawberry nya :pp

ade gue yang ini kerjaan nya makanin
doang emang ckck

tapi gue pegel jadi yauda deh gue nungguin nyokab gue ama tante +mbamba yang kerja di itu kebun metikin strawberrynya, gue duduk duduk aja disitu sambil potopoto, wakaka

pengen balik lagi deeeeeeeeeeeh,
kapan ya ? -,-

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do you love physic ?


huaaah im scared of this lesson, i dont know what happened with my brain but i cant understand this lesson even i read the text book or listen my teacher teach me, but tomorrow i'll have physics test,
i dont wanna get a remedial in this lesson, huhuhuhuhu,
just pray that the teacher is nice and wanna help me :PP
okaaaaaaaaaaaaay, i'll tell you about the result later,
huaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, i swear, i hate physic damn much huuuuuuuuuuuuuu

ini ada gambar si einstein nih uda pinter dia mah belagu -________-

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earthquake :(

Thousands trapped under rubble after powerful Indonesia earthquake

At least 75 people confirmed dead as quake of 7.6 brings down hospital, hotels and bridges in western Sumatra

Wreckage after an earthquake in Indonesia

Television footage shows a foot among the wreckage after a strong earthquake hit Padang in Indonesia. Photograph: Reuters TV

Indonesian authorities were gearing up for a massive rescue operation after thousands of people were trapped under the rubble of collapsed buildings and dozens were confirmed dead following a powerful earthquake in the Indonesian city of Padang.

The magnitude 7.6 quake was centred 32 miles north-west of the city in western Sumatra, said the US geological survey.

Indonesia's vice-president, Jusuf Kalla, said at least 75 people had been killed and the deathtoll was likely to rise.

"Many others are trapped in collapsed shops, building and hotels. It is difficult to know because it is dark now," Kalla said at a late night press conference.

Rustam Pakaya, the head of the health ministry's disaster centre, said a hospital near the epicentre had also collapsed.

"Jamil hospital collapsed and thousands of people are trapped in the rubble of buildings," Pakaya said.

An earlier quake prompted a tsunami that struck the Pacific islands of Samoa and American Samoa, killing more than 100 people.

Local reports said the Indonesian quake brought down buildings and bridges, damaged houses and started fires.

Erwinsyah Sipahutar, a lecturer at the Padang Industrial Technic Academy told Indonesian website Tempo over the telephone: "We were shaken like matchsticks." He said students had fled the campus as the earthquake hit and shattered most of the building's windows.

"A number of hotels in Padang have been destroyed," Rahmat Triyono, of the Indonesian geophysics and meteorology agency was quoted as saying by the Jakarta Post. "Up to now we haven't been able to reach Padang. Communications have been cut."

The Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre issued an alert but later cancelled it. Tremors from the quake were said to have been felt in Malaysia and Singapore.

A 6.2-magnitude aftershock followed the initial quake about 22 minutes later, the meteorological agency said.

The earthquake came hours after another quake triggered a tsunami that left at least 100 people dead on the Pacific islands of Samoa and American Samoa.

A resident described the scene to Indonesia's Metro Television. "For now I can't see dead bodies, just collapsed houses. Some half-destroyed, others completely. People are standing around too scared to go back inside. They fear a tsunami.

"No help has arrived yet. I can see small children standing around carrying blankets. Some people are looking for relatives but all the lights have gone out completely."

Other eyewitness accounts said people fled on to the streets as buildings collapsed.

"Hundreds of houses have been damaged along the road," Reuters quoted a witness as saying. "There are some fires, bridges are cut and there is extreme panic here because water pipes are broken and there is flooding in the streets."

Some telecommunications networks in West Sumatra were down preventing updates on the situation getting through, according to reports. The health ministry has dispatched medical teams carrying food supplies to Padang and Pariaman, also in West Sumatra, according to the Jakarta Post. Tempo reported that in Pekanbaru, about 125 miles north-east of Pariaman, and Jambi and Bengkulu, both 250 miles from Pariaman, people had fled houses and offices, spilling onto the streets.

Padang, a city of 900,000 people, sits on one of the world's most active faultlines along the "ring of fire", where the Indo-Australia plate and the Eurasia tectonic plate grind together to cause frequent tremors and, occasionally, large earthquakes.

The same faultline caused the 2004 tsunami in which 232,000 people died in Indonesia, Thailand, Sri Lanka, India and other countries across the Indian Ocean.

"Padang sits right in front of the area with the greatest potential for an 8.9 magnitude earthquake," Danny Hilman Natawidjaja, a geologist at the Indonesian Science Institute, said earlier this year. "The entire city could drown in a tsunami triggered by such a quake," he said.

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Only time will determine when and how you’re going to move on.
Sure, it might not be right away like you want it to be but
eventually one day you’ll wake up and realize that somewhere along
the way that piercing feeling you’ve always felt inside your chest faded
and went away while you were too busy living life to notice
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i miss my brothers, both of them (seriously)
even we always fight because of something silly but i love that moment
i know sometimes i hate my first young brother but without him around me i feel so lonely :P
my first young brother is Renaldy Rizky Ramadhan,
its so hard for me to take a pict of him, but i got it :)))))))

this one,

he loves make me angry, disturb me and also fight with me :(
but i hate him because he's more tall than meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
he's more than 160cm now (he's in the last year in jhs now)
and im stil ........
oh my i hate him, oh ya i love to disturb him too, i love to make him angry even it'll make we fight, but thats unforgotten moment hahaha

then, secondly, let me introduce my younger brother haha.
dont worry about the pict, i have much his pict, his soooooooooooooo adorable hahaha
i love love love (morethan my first young brother, mayb :p no im just kidding) him, even sometimes he's annoying like the other one but he loves photo haha, he's my best partner when i want take a photo in my house, but i cant show in this blog because i dont use my veil in that photos :(

i want to tell about my younger brother, when im not on my home i miss him but when im home he always tell story, a long story till i feel badmood then i'll angry with him, im sorry baby, yeah, he's an active child, he loves tell story, run run run, and yeah just like another child CRYING :(

lets see him,

oh ya i guess he'll be a photografer, why ? because he loves photography since he was 4yearsold. he use my brother's slr than take my photo, the result ? AWESOME hahaha
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please check this web, i want my future home like this <3<3<3>
my friend, bella, tell me about this web, and, i love this web much since the first time i saw this web,
i put some pict from this web in my blog
hope you like this too :p

baru dikit nih, gue tibatiba ga mood ngepost huhu, ntr gue tambahin lagi gambarnya ya semuanya :')

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Only once in your life, I truly believe,
you find someone who can completely turn your world around.
You tell them things that you’ve never shared with another soul and they absorb everything you say and actually want to hear more.
You share hopes for the future, dreams that will never come true, goals that were never achieved and the many disappointments life has thrown at you.
When something wonderful happens, you can’t wait to tell them about it, knowing they will share in your excitement.
They are not embarrassed to cry with you when you are hurting or laugh with you when you make a fool of yourself.
Never do they hurt your feelings or make you feel like you are not good enough, but rather they build you up and show you the things about yourself that make you special and even beautiful.
There is never any pressure, jealousy or competition but only a quiet calmness when they are around.
You can be yourself and not worry about what they will think of you because they love you for who you are.
The things that seem insignificant to most people such as a note, song or walk become invaluable treasures kept safe in your heart to cherish forever.
Memories of your childhood come back and are so clear and vivid it’s like being young again. Colours seem brighter and more brilliant.
Laughter seems part of daily life where before it was infrequent or didn’t exist at all.
A phone call or two during the day helps to get you through a long day’s work and always brings a smile to your face.
In their presence, there’s no need for continuous conversation, but you find you’re quite content in just having them nearby.
Things that never interested you before become fascinating because you know they are important to this person who is so special to you.
You think of this person on every occasion and in everything you do.
Simple things bring them to mind like a pale blue sky, gentle wind or even a storm cloud on the horizon.
You open your heart knowing that there’s a chance it may be broken one day and in opening your heart, you experience a love and joy that you never dreamed possible.
You find that being vulnerable is the only way to allow your heart to feel true pleasure that’s so real it scares you.
You find strength in knowing you have a true friend and possibly a soul mate who will remain loyal to the end.
Life seems completely different, exciting and worthwhile. Your only hope and security is in knowing that they are a part of your life.

— Bob Marley
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p.s i love you

have you watched this movie ?
thats so coooooooooooooool :)))
not the most romantic i've ever seen but i love it hehe
last night, bella asked me to watched this movie,
so i watched this with bella and mita, but mita didnt watch till finished because of some of our friends was come and she didnt concentrate with that film anymore:p

i heart Gerry, the man was died because of brain tumor in this movie,
Gerry was sooooooooooooo awesome,
he loves his wife and i envy with that lucky girl, Holly.

i cant stop my tears down when Holly's mom tell about the truth that she helped Gerry to gave the letter to Holly and when the end of the movie, when Daniel read the last letter from Gerry :((((
this is the letter, i copy this for you (L)

Gerry Kennedy: Dear Holly, I don't have much time. I don't mean literally, I mean you're out buying ice cream and you'll be home soon. But I have a feeling this is the last letter, because there is only one thing left to tell you. It isn't to go down memory lane or make you buy a lamp, you can take care of yourself without any help from me. It's to tell you how much you move me, how you changed me. You made me a man, by loving me Holly. And for that, I am eternally grateful... literally. If you can promise me anything, promise me that whenever you're sad, or unsure, or you lose complete faith, that you'll try to see yourself through my eyes. Thank you for the honor of being my wife. I'm a man with no regrets. How lucky am I. You made my life, Holly. But I'm just one chapter in yours. There'll be more. I promise. So here it comes, the big one. Don't be afraid to fall in love again. Watch out for that signal, when life as you know it ends.
P.S. I will always love you

and this is our favorite dialog in this movie

Daniel Connelly: What do women want?
Holly Kennedy: [whispering] We have no idea what we want.
Daniel Connelly: I knew it!

lets watch this movie, and tell me what do you think about this movie, maybe you'll heart this movie more than me :P

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no idea. pusing. mumet. tibatiba banyak pikiran dan nyesel karna banyak hal.
kasih kesempatan buat perbaikin semua nya ya pleasepleaseplease.
i dont know what i mean, but i think i should say like that,
gatau deh buat apaan tapi yah apaajalah
buat siapa aja yang baca deh

maafin gue ya kalo ada salah,
khilaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaf tau :(
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not mine

Eleven days since we've broke up
Eleven days since we've separated
Eleven days since i've promised with my self to stop crying
And, eleven days since you're not mine anymore

Let me repeat, not mine anymore.

You go your own way and im still trying to go mine,

Do you happy with everything that happened with us ? do you feel better ? do you miss me ? dont you worry about my self ? dont you worry if i cried till i forget how to breathe normally ? dont you care about that ?

I've 1000 questions, no, it maybe more than 1000 questions like that, it play in my mind but i dont know how to ask it to you because you dont have to answer that. It just make me feel more frustated and hate my life

Why ? because you're not mine anymore
Yea, i know, you can answer all my question with one answer,
"should i do ? youre not mine anymore so i dont have to care about that !"

You dont know how hurt this pain, its killing me . but i know you dont care, you dont want to hear about all the things that happened with my self since we've brokeup

Where is the old one ?
The one who care about me totally,
The one who promise that always stay beside me, no matter what happen between you, me and us (i cant forget this promises, you said that everynight )
The one who always make me laugh,
The one who always make me cry also,
But he's the one who can make me feel comfortable around him, no need to be someone else, just the way i am, and promise that he never leave me with a weird reason like, BORED

last, if someday you meet him, tell him, i miss him :"(
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im sick of this feeling :(
i want move on but i cant
you broke my life
and go away

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setelah libur yang cukup pendek itu berakhir :( hiks sedih
gue akhirnya balik lagi ke jakartaa,
pesawat gue nyampe jakarta jam 10.40 jadi ceritanya gue uda niat banget mau jalaaaan,
gue uda nelfonin satusatu pada masih di daerah masingmasing
yauda deeh gue akhirnya mutusin ke sency aja sendiri gitu dengan harapan FATDHILLA SIRTIOK SILTAYURI yang bilang begitu pesawatnya nyampe jakarta dia akan sangat mengusahakan langsung ke sency -,-

so, guess what happened with me ?

sendirian di sency gitu ya mutermuter makan masuk toko keluar toko lagi gitu trus aja sampe bosen sampe sency nya mati lampu malah hahaha-,-
yauda deh akhirnya gue cape tapi tetep aja gue gamau pulang gitu ya males banget balik asrama huu
pas itu hape gue dengan ga bersahabatnyaa .............
gue refleks aja gitu ya ke food court yang seinget gue ada tempat ngcharge ckck dan ternyata udah gaada :(
udah sendirian batere abis cape kesel mantep deh


dan gue ditolong :)
hahahaha gajuga sih tapi ternyata gue kesana membawa berkah ya gue ketemu fira syifa anti mita mia ami :))))))))) love you all muchmuchmuch hahaha
jadi akhirnya gue bergabung sama mereka plus kevin sadira tablo bangbeng radyan wahab dan bobby !
trus yauda deh kita muter2 aja tetep gitu ya kayak orang bego ckck akhirnya gue ama anti ama syifa misah trus jalanjalan bentar, stuck, balik lagi sama mereka,

okeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey GUE BOSEN -______________-

balik ke rencana awal kan gue mau nonton ya jadi akhirnya anti yang baik hati juga mau nonton, haha jadi gue sama dia ke xxi beli tiket the horsemen, nonton bedua ajaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa hihi romantis deh kita ya, nti ? i heart you :p

selese nonton yang ternyata film psikopat gitu hobinya bunuhbunuh ckck gue sama anti pulang deh soalnya kita uda pegel mampus gitu ya rasanya huaaaah

iya deh gue cape, tapiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, i love this day :) i love spend my time with my friends, not only thinking about you :( or do something stupid like crying,regret about everything,flashback, yeh sometimes (everytimes) i still thinking about everything in the past huh

kabarnya wawe a.k.a dilla ? oh dia di ................ BANDARA saudarasaudara, jam 1 nyampe jakarta sampe jam 6 gue telfon dia masih di bandara, sadis banget deh -,- ohi iya dia sempet ke sency sama nada&ms yuni jam setangah8an gitu tapi gue uda keburu balik ke asrama, pengen tereak di kuping wewe bilang gini, "WEWE ONTIME BANGET YAAAAAAAAAAAA -______-"
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